AMP Mark II DB – afglóðari
299.900 kr.
Ef þú endurhleður skothylkin þín reglulega þá er nauðsynlegt að afglóða þau í að minnsta kosti þriðja hvert skipti.
Í pakkanum fylgir:
- MARK II DB afglóðunartækið
- Leiðbeiningar
- USB kapall
- Rykhlíf
- Staðlað skothylkjagrip
- 4x plastfætur
- Rafmagnssnúra
- AMP derhúfa
*Bakkar, pilot og skothylki á mynd eru ekki innifalin.
Kaupa þarf skothylkjahaldara sem henta þinni hlaupvídd.
Sérpöntun – Afhending tekur 10-14 daga að jafnaði.
Í boði sem biðpöntun
Vörulýsing framleiðanda
The output inductor features a custom manufactured ferrite core with an air gap designed to focus magnetic fields. This means there is no work coil, and therefore nothing to burn out or need replacing. Because there is no work coil, there is also no need for water cooling. The ability of the annealer to run for extended time depends partly on the ambient room temperature. Avoid using in direct hot sunlight or high temperature conditions. A room temperature of 70˚F/20˚C is ideal.
AMP is designed to accurately insert each cartridge manually to exactly the same point in the air gap every time. We have found that a variation of just 2mm makes a significant difference to the result. The new touch screen makes using the annealer very intuitive. Once the user is familiar with its use, it can be cycled at around 5 – 6 cases per minute or about the same as case sizing or bullet seating. If you wish to go hands free the AMP Mate automates the feeding process when combined with a case feeder and suitable stand.
Uniquely, the induction annealer has adjustable power and time settings built into the pre-programs. This allows small and very precise increments in annealed neck hardness. When setting the correct program for new brass, we start low and work up until we achieve the target hardness. We then publish these results in the settings page on our website for the benefit of all AMP users. This is an on going effort made possible by the hundreds of samples we have received for testing. This is a free service we encourage customers to use as it guarantees an accurate result. The MARK II Annealer also comes complete with the AZTEC mode which allows you to analyse your own brass and generate the correct setting yourself rather than sending it to us.
Power Input:
The AMP annealing machine allows for a universal power input. This means it can operate anywhere in the world at any line voltage ranging from 85V to 265V. It is rated for up to 750 Watts, but operates at under 600 Watts, or less than a small microwave oven.
Run Time:
Our new circuitry means that provided ambient temperature is around 70F/20C, the annealer can be run continuously for a minimum of 200 cases on any program setting without approaching cut out. Many customers go well beyond this. In most cases the machine will run continuously without overheating.
AMP features a full shielded housing. By the very nature of induction, electromagnetic interference is produced when the unit is powered up. If uncontrolled this can affect other electrical devices, such as radios. For that reason federal regulations apply. Our shielded housing and electrical filtering effectively blocks and contains all these emissions. AMP has now passed all international EMC standards. The unit even features internal shielding enclosures to ensure accurate and reliable performance.
Thermal Protection:
In common with any induction heater, with extended use, the output inductor will gradually heat up. Multiple fans are installed in our annealer to keep the circuitry and inductor cool. After 40 – 50 cases have been annealed, the top of the unit behind the pilot will start to feel warm to the touch. This is normal. The MARK II annealer features auto adjusting fans which will increase in power as the annealer warms up. In the event that the output inductor should reach 190F/90C (inside the annealer), a thermal cut out will activate to protect the unit. If that occurs, leave the annealer turned on so the fans continue cooling. It will automatically reset after 30 minutes, once cooling is complete.
Upplýsingar um afhendingu
- Sérpöntun þýðir að vara sé sérpöntuð fyrir kaupanda og afhendingartími fer eftir lagerstöðu og sendingartíma framleiðanda /heildsölu. Kaupandi er hvattur til að hafa samband til að fá nánari upplýsingar um afhendingartíma og lagerstöðu.
- Biðpöntun þýðir að varan sé ekki til á lager en er í pöntunarferli hjá framleiðanda. Við merkjum viðkomandi vörur með áætluðum afhendingartíma. Haft verður samband við kaupanda þegar varan er komin til landsins og er tilbúin til sendingar.
- Væntanlegar vörur hafa verið afgreiddar af byrgja og eru í flutningi til landsins. Haft verður samband við kaupanda þegar varan er komin til landsins og er tilbúin til sendingar.
- Lagervörur eru afgreiddar næsta virka dag eftir pöntun nema ef um (skráningarskyldar) leyfisskyldar vörur sé að ræða. Afgreiðslutími fer þá eftir því hversu lengi tekur að úthluta leyfi fyrir vörunni. Við reynum að merkja vörurnar í vefversluninni með þeim leyfum sem þarf til að kaupa þær, engin ábyrgð er þó tekin á röngum merkingum.
- Sendingakostnaður reiknast í greiðsluferli. Sendingakostnaður fellur niður með völdum sendingarmátum ef pantað er fyrir 15.000 kr. eða meira. Með öðrum sendingarmátum gilda gjaldskrár Íslandspósts og Dropp.
- Á öllum pöntunum dreift af Íslandspósti og Dropp gilda afhendingar-, ábyrgðar og flutningsskilmálar viðkomandi sendingaraðila um afhendingu vörunnar.
- ber því enga ábyrgð á týndum sendingum eða tjóni sem kann að verða á vöru í flutningi.
- Ef að vara týnist í flutningi eða verður fyrir tjóni frá því að að hún er send frá til viðtakanda er tjónið á ábyrgð kaupanda.
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