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Alpha Munitions Spray Case Sizing Lube

6.400 kr.

Alpha Case Lube í úðabrúsa er búið til og framleitt eftir sérstakri einkaleyfis-formúlu Alpha Munitions.

  • Notist sparlega með því úða skothylkin af þunnu lagi af smurefni áður en þú þrengir þau.
  • 3.38 fl oz / 100 ml
  • Framleitt í USA
  • Bestu mögulegu gæði

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Síminn Pay Léttkaup
6.400 kr
Greiða eftir 14 daga

14 daga greiðslufrestur er í boði fyrir þessa vöru.

Smelltu hér til skoða verðskrá Síminn Pay.




Alpha Munitions Case Lube stands out as the premier choice for re-sizing your brass due to its superior performance and ease of use. Alpha Munitions Case Lube provides consistent, reliable results, allowing you to focus on precision and accuracy in your reloads.


Its water soluble formula makes cleanup a breeze, while its chemical properties ensure that every round is consistently resized. Trust Alpha Munitions Case Lube to deliver the quality and reliability that serious re-loaders demand—it’s exactly the lube we use in our production machinery.

Directions: Spray lightly on cases ensuring even coverage. Lube is ready to use immediately and does not need to dry.  After resizing remove lubricant using your preferred method. Lubricant is water soluble and does not require solvents. Do not allow product to freeze. Always wear eye protection and chemical resistant gloves.

Caution: May be harmful if swallowed. Causes serious eye irritation. IF IN EYES rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. If eye irritation persists seek medical attention. May cause mild skin irritation. Wash skin with soapy water for 15 minutes. If problem persists seek medical attention.

Alpha Munitions Safety Data Sheet


Alpha is a private U.S. company committed to making the best precision rifle brass in the world.  Our leadership team consists of experienced professionals with backgrounds spanning engineering, pharmaceuticals, medical device, specialty chemicals and specialty operations.  We come from professions that are highly technical, tightly regulated, and where quality is never compromised.  We have combined our experiences to create an innovative company that strives to deliver unmatched product quality and customer service for the precision shooting community.

We manufacture all of our products in a state of the art facility in Salt Lake City, UT.  Our machines utilize the most advanced technologies available in both manufacturing and quality control.   Abandoning outdated manufacturing principles and utilizing a laboratory-based, data driven approach ensures Alpha Munitions brass is extremely consistent.  Owning this process means we can continually innovate, making better products for the precision shooting community.

We started Alpha Munitions to be different than other brass manufacturers.  Along with using the most advanced manufacturing technology in the industry, we wanted to improve the customer experience with the product.  From packaging our brass in custom reusable ammo boxes (ensuring every piece arrives free from dents), to ensuring world class dimensional consistency, while offering the highest level of customer service, we are dedicated to providing the best for the precision shooting community.