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Hämmerli Arms Force B1 – Walnut Wood HQ3

229.900 kr.

Hlaupvídd .22 LR
Skotgeymir 10 skota
Gikkur Tveggja þrepa gikkur
Öryggi Pushbutton Safety, Automatic Trigger Safety
Skeftisefni Valhnetuviður
Hlauplengd 409 mm
Heildarlengd 901 mm
Þyngd 2330 g

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Vörulýsing framleiðanda


The Hammerli Arms Force B1 is a revolutionary straight-pull action rifle in caliber .22 LR that meets the highest demands for adaptability, versatility and precision. The compact rimfire rifle is equipped with a Quick-Change Barrel System that allows the barrel to be changed in seconds and without any tools.

The ingenious system guarantees absolute repeat accuracy. This means that the Force B1 can be adapted to requirements with minimal effort, regardless of whether a caliber change is required or whether a 4″ longer precision-enhancing match barrel is to be used. By using the appropriate magazine, the caliber change is already complete. The Force B1 is fitted with Ruger® 10/22 magazines. While the magazine in cal. .22 LR is fitted with a Hammerli Arms adapter to fit seamlessly into the magwell, the magazines in cal. .22 WMR are used directly.

In action, the Force B1 not only impresses with its straight-pull mechanism, which is much faster and easier to operate than a classic bolt action rifle, saving valuable time during a follow-up shot. The stock also impresses with its variability, as the butt plate, which can be extended in five positions, and the cheek rest, which can be mounted at two different heights, allow precise adjustment to your own anatomy. No tools are required for making the necessary adjustments. The M-LOK® rail integrated into the bottom of the fore-end provides a mounting option for bipods or other accessories. Together with the QD interface in the buttstock, a sling can also be attached, for example.

The receiver is CNC-machined from T7075 aluminum and equipped with an integral Picatinny rail that allows any type of optic to be attached. The trigger unit also played a decisive role in the design of the Force. Equipped with a trigger blade safety and a tool-free push-button safety, it is designed as a drop-in module and is compatible with the Ruger® 10/22, so that the shooter can choose from an extensive range of tuning triggers from the aftermarket. The muzzle thread (1/2″-28 UNEF) with union nut allows the use of a silencer or other muzzle attachments.

The Force B1 Allweather is equipped with a durable and weather-resistant polymer stock, which underlines the practicality and robustness of the rifle.
It is supplied with a 10-round magazine (Ruger® 10/22) and two Hammerli Arms magazine adapters.


  • Compact and versatile straight-pull action rifle
  • Quick-Change Barrel System for tool-free barrel conversion
  • CNC-machined aluminum receiver (T7075)
  • Precious walnut wood stock
  • Retractable buttstock in 5 positions
  • Reversible cheek rest for optimal vision with various sights
  • Fore-end with bottom M-LOK® interface for quick-mounting bipods and other accessories
  • Buttstock with QD interface
  • Compatible with Ruger® 10/22 magazines via Hammerli Arms adapter
  • Reversible safety button for ambidextrous operation
  • Drop-In trigger with Ruger® 10/22 compatibility and automatic trigger safety
  • Muzzle thread ½”-28 UNEF
  • Picatinny top rail for universal compatibility with scopes and red dot sights
  • Incl. 10 rds Ruger® 10/22 magazine and 2 Hammerli Arms magazine adapters

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  • Biðpöntun þýðir að varan sé ekki til á lager en er í pöntunarferli hjá framleiðanda. Við merkjum viðkomandi vörur með áætluðum afhendingartíma. Haft verður samband við kaupanda þegar varan er komin til landsins og er tilbúin til sendingar.
  • Væntanlegar vörur hafa verið afgreiddar af byrgja og eru í flutningi til landsins. Haft verður samband við kaupanda þegar varan er komin til landsins og er tilbúin til sendingar.
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  • Sendingakostnaður reiknast í greiðsluferli. Sendingakostnaður fellur niður með völdum sendingarmátum ef pantað er fyrir 15.000 kr. eða meira. Með öðrum sendingarmátum gilda gjaldskrár Íslandspósts og Dropp.
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