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Lee Modern Reloading – hleðslubók

9.990 kr.

Þetta er einfaldlega Biblía endurhlaðarans.

  • Nýjasta útgáfan, „2nd Edition“ endurútgefin árið 2023
  • Yfir 700 blaðsíður af fróðleik og hleðslutöflum.
  • Meira en 170 hlaupvíddir með yfir 38 þúsund hleðslum.

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Síminn Pay Léttkaup
9.990 kr
Greiða eftir 14 daga

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Learn to reload ammunition that’s more accurate than factory new on your first try.


The Second Edition of MODERN RELOADING is a summary of a lifetime of experience. No matter how knowledgeable you are, you will find new and interesting information in this book. It’s a reference book you will keep forever.

Over 38,000 Loads covering over 170 cartridges with velocities for starting loads. This is the best kind of load data–it is supplied by the powder companies.

Load data sorted in velocity decending order.

Large, easy to read format with computer rendered and dimensioned drawings. Cartridges tabbed for quick reference.

Latest information on pressure

Exclusive pressure and velocity factors enable you to accurately calculate pressure and velocity for reduced loads. An absolute necessity for cast bullet shooting.

A never before published in depth analyses of current load data. It gives you an insight into the effects of reducing or increasing a charge.

Lee Modern Reloading book is one of the most comprehensive load data manuals, 692 pages written by Richard Lee, printed in 2011. Reprinted in 2023, includes a 12 page „Final Chapter“ written by John Lee.

List of Cartridges Included