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March 10x-60×56 HM SFP Field Target

580.900 kr.618.900 kr.

March sjónaukarnir þykja þeir einu bestu í heiminum.

Ef þú vilt nákvæmasta og öflugasta riffilsjónaukann sem völ er á, þá velur þú March. Það er bara svoleiðis.

  • Margar gerðir til á evrópskum lager okkar.
  • Athugið að verðin eru til viðmiðunar og geta breyst miðast við erlent gengi.
  • Sérpantanir taka frá 10 dögum upp í rúmlega 3 mánuði. Hafðu samband áður en þú pantar og við athugum hvort við eigum það sem þú vilt á lager.
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Vörulýsing framleiðanda


March 10x-60×56 Field Target SFP – High Master

With and without illumination – MOA

The 10x-60×56 High Master scope also incorporates Temperature Anti-Drift Lens System in order to naturally adapt to changes in temperature to maintain focus and clarity over a wide range of conditions.

The NEW High Master system has Super ED and High Refractive lenses These display low chromatic aberration images which are super bright and sharp. This scope is the first type within the new High Master series which involves a completely different internal lens structure arrangement. It also uses Super ED lenses and Hi Refractive lenses in this structure.

This is a variable magnification scope form 10x-60x with a 56mm diameter front lens. The main tube is 34mm diameter and 4mm thick and contains the Tactical turret system like other March-X models 8-80 and 5-50. The Tactical turrets system has a Zero-set feature so you will never loose your zero again. Like all March scopes the complete body is machined from solid billet of special alloy. March scopes have the lowest thermal conductivity and material distortion of any rifle scopes. This scope is suitable for many types of shooting disciplines including BR, F-Class, Tactical, and Hunting. The future is clearer with High Master.


  • Super ED lenses & High-Refractive lenses
  • Super bright and sharp. Low chromatic aberration
  • 34mm main tube and 56mm objective lens
  • Side focus/parallax adjustment. Min focus 10 yds (9m)
  • Tactical turrets with zero set or benchrest style turrets engraved in 1/8 marks
  • 1/8 moa clicks. 60 moa – 40 moa range. 1/4 moa clicks are available to order.
  • Choice of several reticles in wire style and etched glass MTR type
  • Supplied with Sun shade and flip caps.

The standard and low illumination switch models are available. Both modules provide 4 levels of intensity (red). Both modules can be inter-changed. This function is very effective in the dusk when aiming at a dark target (see new six level illumination module in accessories)

  • The 10x-60×56 SFP High Master March Scope is also favoured by Field Target shooters.
  • 10x-60×56 High Master scope assembles 2 Super ED lenses (High Master lens system) providing a sharper image with greater contrast, while still having a strong scope.
  • 10x-60×56 High Master scope has the highest image quality among all our SFP scopes.
  • 10x-60×56 High Master scope also incorporates Temperature Anti-Drift Lens System in order to naturally adapt to changes in temperature to maintain focus and clarity over a wide range of conditions.

We offer special FT (Field Target) package for the 10-60×56 High Master Scope. All accessories that comes with the FT package can be purchased separately at your local dealer but 10x-60×56 High Master scope with engraving is only available through European dealers.

  • Special engraving “FT edition” on the 10-60×56 High Master Scope.
  • Large dial especially made for this FT package. You can cover the large dial on the existing elevation turret and write your own elevation adjustments.
  • Middle wheel – This will assist making quick and fine adjustments easier with the focus knob.
  • Large wheel – Shooting at very close ranges often requires very fine adjustment of the focus dial.

March has produced a Large Wheel to fit over the Middle Focus wheel to enhance the dial’s ability to focus clearly. This is a great addition to Air Rifle Field Target and other shooting disciplines requiring accuracy.

Upplýsingar um afhendingu

  • Biðpöntun þýðir að varan sé ekki til á lager en er í pöntunarferli hjá framleiðanda. Við merkjum viðkomandi vörur með áætluðum afhendingartíma. Haft verður samband við kaupanda þegar varan er komin til landsins og er tilbúin til sendingar.
  • Væntanlegar vörur hafa verið afgreiddar af byrgja og eru í flutningi til landsins. Haft verður samband við kaupanda þegar varan er komin til landsins og er tilbúin til sendingar.
  • Lagervörur eru afgreiddar næsta virka dag eftir pöntun nema ef um (skráningarskyldar) leyfisskyldar vörur sé að ræða. Afgreiðslutími fer þá eftir því hversu lengi tekur að úthluta leyfi fyrir vörunni. Við reynum að merkja vörurnar í vefversluninni með þeim leyfum sem þarf til að kaupa þær, engin ábyrgð er þó tekin á röngum merkingum.
  • Sendingakostnaður reiknast í greiðsluferli. leitast við að bjóða hægstæðustu verðin á markaðinum með lágmarks álagningu. Þar af leiðandi fellur sendingakostnaður niður ef pantað er fyrir 15.000 kr. eða meira.
  • Á öllum pöntunum dreift af Íslandspósti og Dropp gilda afhendingar-, ábyrgðar og flutningsskilmálar viðkomandi sendingaraðila um afhendingu vörunnar.
    • ber því enga ábyrgð á týndum sendingum eða tjóni sem kann að verða á vöru í flutningi.
  • Ef að vara týnist í flutningi eða verður fyrir tjóni frá því að að hún er send frá til viðtakanda er tjónið á ábyrgð kaupanda.

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