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MTM ACC308 – 400 skota box

19.900 kr.

Glæsilegur pakki! Skotfærakassi með fjórum svörtum plastboxum sem taka samtals 400 skot.

Passar þar á meðal fyrir:

  • .243 Win
  • .308 Win
  • 6.5 Creedmoor
  • Fleiri stærðir sjást í vörulýsingu framleiðanda

Á lager

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
7.148 kr/mán
(m.v. 3 mán)

3 mán.

Miðað við 3 greiðslur á 18% vöxtum.

Aðeins 2.42% lántökugjald og 95 kr. færslugjald á mánuði.

Árleg hlutfallstala kostnaðar: 43%.

Heildarkostnaður: 21.445 kr.




MTM ammo cans are a great way to store bulk or boxed ammunition. It’s all plastic design will not rust and is lighter in weight than the 50 caliber US Military Surplus Ammo Can. Transferring ammo to and from the range, just became a little easier and they are ideal for ammo storage.

Molded out of rugged polypropylene plastic, these comfortably handled ammo cans will hold up to some pretty harsh treatment. Utilizing MTM’s tongue and groove O-Ring seal system for a superior water-resistant seal, these cans are designed to fit the included ammo boxes perfectly. A heavy-duty dual latching system makes for a better seal and less likely to open accidentally. Double padlock tabs along with molded-in stacking ridges, make these solid containers the perfect solution to so many storage needs.

1ea AC11 + 4 ea RM-100’s in tactical black (Holds 400 Rounds)

RM-100’s hold 308 Win., 7.62×51 NATO, 219 Zipper, 22 BR, 22 Cheetah, 22 Sav. HP, 220 Swift, 225 / 243 / 25-284 / 307 / 308 / 6mm-284 Win., 25-35 WCF, 224 Wby. Mag., 250 / 300 Sav., 338 Fed., 22-250 / 244 / 25 / 32 / 35 / 6mm / 7mm-08 Rem., 28-30 Sevens, 360 Nitro Exp 2 1/4”, 375 Rimless 2 1/4”, 5.6×52 Rimmed, 6.5 Creedmor, 6.5×257 Roberts, 6.5×50 Jap. Arisaka, 7.35 Carcano, 7.5×54 French MAS, 7.65×53 Mauser, 7mm TCU,

410 Shotshells.

Max. OAL= 3.05″

Ammo can: Inside Dimensions: 7.3”(L) x 12.5”(W) x 7.3”(H) and Outside Dimensions: 9.3”(L) x 15.3”(W) x 8.8”(H)

Made in the USA