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Starline .308 Winchester – skothylki

8.290 kr.

  • Hlaupvídd .308 Winchester
  • Framleitt í USA
  • Framúrskarandi gæði
  • Afsláttur reiknast við magnkaup
  • Notist með Large Rifle Primer

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Síminn Pay Léttkaup
8.290 kr
Greiða eftir 14 daga

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The venerable .308 Winchester has made quite a name for itself since it was first introduced in 1952. The .308 and its military equivalent, the 7.62x51mm Nato, is a very efficient cartridge that has excellent ballistics, while still being fairly easy on the shoulder. That, and its inherent accuracy have kept it thriving as both a competition and hunting caliber.

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